Odpověď od Lindsey – Reply from Lindsey

Jo, jo, jo! Moje oblíbená spisovatelka Lindsey Davisová mi opravdu odpověděla na mail, který jsem jí jako věrná čtenářka poslala.
Teda ne že bych nevěřila tomu, že odpoví každému, jak uvádí na svém webu, ale přeci jen jsem si nebyla jistá, jestli se třeba můj mail neztratil někde ve virtuálním prostoru (třeba ve spamu, že).

Yes Yes Yes! My favourite writer Lindsey Davis really responded to my mail that I had sent her as her loyal reader.
Not that I did not believe that she answers to everyone, as stated on her website, but still I was not sure if  my mail got lost somewhere in cyberspace (I mean in the spam).

A co mi teda napsala? And what was her reply?

Thank you very much for taking the trouble to write and my apologies for
the delay in answering. Despite my slowness I can tell you that hearing from
happy readers is always a bonus of my wonderful job and I am grateful.
I am really pleased that you enjoy my work so much; it’s good to hear that
the Czech editions are popular. B B Art are a very loyal publisher, who have
taken pretty well all my books now, including the non-Falcos.
with kind regards and thanks again,


Kategorie příspěvku: Nezařazené
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Odpověď od Lindsey – Reply from Lindsey

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Hana Hurábová

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