6 Must-see Czech Christmas Movies

In those two years here in Switzerland our guys know probably more rhymes and songs associated with Christmas in German or Bärndütsch. But we try to give them something of Czech culture in the form of Christmas fairy tales and movies that made mine and my husband’s childhood and which are among our most popular. And these we watch in the pre-Christmas period with our children. A which movies make our Christmas?

1. S čerty nejsou žerty

Quote: “You cheeky devil!”  had become popular in our household. And guess who is most often directed? 😉

2. S tebou mě baví svět

Three dads´ adventure expedition “YDYKSEB” is simply a timeless classic. By the way, you know I’m up until a few years ago came to what that word means ?! :O


3. Anděl Páně

I am really looking forward to going to the cinema during the holiday in our homeland to watch the next adventures of an angel Petronel and a devil Uriáš. The first part is magical and I hope the 2nd won´t disappoint me.

4. Princezna se zlatou hvězdou

You see that white men´s leggings? 😉


5. Pyšná princezna

I know this beautiful fairy tale by heart. Usually, I´m frying a Christmas fish while watching it and I chant all dialogs about a second before the actors on the screen. It’s because when we were kids with my sister, our dad had recorded it on a tape and we liked to listen to it very often as our bedtime story. Thanks, Dad! 🙂

6. Krakonoš a lyžníci

When the weather outside doesn´t resemble Christmas at all, but rather spring, we watch this movie and are moved by piles of snow, in which children´s brawls take place and in which new skiers crisscrossing the Giant Mountains on “skis”.


What are your favorite movies and fairy tales, which you can´t imagine your Christmas without?

Categories: Christmas, Life
Bärndütsch – Language guide for beginners
Luderhof: Christmas tree shopping


Hana Hurábová

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