As we almost didn´t fly

Our stay in the new country has not begun in the happiest way: I arrived at the airport with two already quite annoying children (as the time neared midday rest), with hands stretched out after pulling a 20 kilo suitcase through Prague public transport to find out that our flight at 13:45 to Basel had been canceled.
After a long wait in the queue at the airlines counter (while the children were running around the airport lobby and I prayed anything happened to them on the opposite side of the hall) I was told that we could fly today. But the next available flight to Switzerland is at 8 pm. Moreover, to the different airport (to Zurich instead of Basel). As a consolation prize, at least, we got a voucher for refreshments in the value of CZK 400 per person …
So after a good lunch on behalf the airlines, I was sitting in an airport lounge, one child was sleeping on my lap and the other was watching fairy tales (good thing I hadn’t packed the notebook into the suitcase!). Then we spent some time in the children’s playroom, then we went to dinner, and then we went to the passport and security checks. It was too funny: the younger son was picked at random for a security checkup. View of our two-year-old being checked by uniformed cop was really cool! But what if he decided to sneak something? 🙂

After an hour in another children’s playroom, we finally boarded the plane. The flight was incredibly smooth (I mean for me as a parent, for me as a traveler might not be – so much turbulence and the landing could have been smoother, too!).

At 21:10 we landed in Zurich. Fortunately we did not have to board the train in the direction Basel, because my husband arrived to pick us up here. And around 11 pm I was already tucking into our new apartment.

But I do not complain about our introductory peripety, at least we’ll have something to remember 🙂


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Categories: Life, Switzerland
North Cyprus: 5 must-see places
Swiss Santa aka Samichlaus


Hana Hurábová

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