5 reasons to visit Gruyères

For the first time ever, we went to Gruyères with my parents when they first came to visit us in Switzerland. Though a layer of clouds was covering the medieval town and the surrounding hills during our first visit, it did not detract from its beauty in my eyes. Since then, we have been to Gruyères in the canton of Fribourg several times because it is a very grateful place to take your visitors. On the following lines, you will learn why.

1. Location

Location, location and once again location! This is what makes the well-preserved medieval town of Gruyères absolutely exceptional. Gruyères is impressively towering on a hill and surrounded by massive walls like a fortress. In addition, cars are not allowed here, which is a big plus.

From the walls, you can enjoy the beautiful views of the surrounding peaks, and children will appreciate the children’s playground in the park Clos aux Cerfs park just outside Saint-Théodule Church.

2. Château de Gruyères

In order to reach the landmark, the Château de Gruyères, you have to walk across the main street Rue du Château. Along the way you will see interesting museums (the Tibetan Museum, the Museum of Fantasy Art and the H.R.Giger Museum) and just before the medieval fortress, you can again enjoy views of the valley or the surrounding hills.

3. Grand Tour of Switzerland

Gruyères is one of the places of the Grand Tour of Switzerland. This 1,600 km long route connects Switzerland’s 45 biggest highlights, including 12 UNESCO heritage sites, 22 lakes, and two biosphere reserves.

4. Cheese literally everywhere

During our first visit with my parents, we were lucky that the Fête du Fromage, “Cheese Fest” was held on this day, so that the square (or the main street) was full of cheese and cheese specialties (such as brie with bear garlic – hmm… 🙂 ).

In each of the countless restaurants, you can enjoy delicious cheese fondue and at the foot of the hill, at Pringy, you can visit “La Maison du Gruyères” to see how this famous cheese is made.

5. Chocolate

You can end your trip in the nearby village of Broc, where you can enjoy a tour of the Maison Cailler chocolate factory.

So, will you take your family or friends to Gruyères when next time they come to visit you? Or do you come here regularly because you like to return to this beautiful place? I look forward to all your comments!

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Categories: Castles, Cities, Switzerland
Visiting La Maison du Gruyère
Château de Chillon & Montreux


Hana Hurábová

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