9 Necessities to always carry with you

With the new week and I am here with it the new post that will hopefully make you Monday more pleasant. When setting out for our trips with the children, or anywhere outside, I never forget some important (and most time-tested) things. As a former Girl Scout, I named my package MSK – “mini survival kit”, but with children, it is rather FAB – first aid box 🙂
And what’ necessities are inside and why it is good to have them with you?

1. Disinfectant

Bepanthen Plus spray has proved or various nicks and scrapes that happen to children whether on the pitch or on the go.

2. Hand disinfectant

very useful helper where there is no running water and soap so that children can clean their hands before eating, with which they touched various things (like handrails and railings in shops and public transport).

3. Cleaning wipes

Especially for wiping dirty mouths after snacks. I wrote about their importance in this post.

4. Paper Tissues

They have a wide range of use, but most of it for running nose

5. Sunscreen

Is needed especially during the summer months but also in spring, because when first sharp sunlight peers out, children can easily get a sunburn on the pitch or on a walk (especially on their noses and back side of their necks).

6. Lip Balm

I mostly use Labello, but alternate between winter and summer edition (Alpin or Sun)

7. Victorinox pocket knife

helpful, which we take more to trips into the countryside. Ours in variant Camper can e.g. open a tin, cut the branch (useful when you want to roast sausages) and many other things.

source: https://www.swissarmy.com/us/app/product/Swiss-Army-Knives/5-Star-Rated-Products/Camper/53301


8. Deodorant

Situations with children are sometimes very stressful, and therefore you need to be constantly dry and cool as the commercial says 🙂

9. Tea Tree Oil

Which is a natural antiseptic and as I read, a couple of drops behind your ear is enough to protect you against ticks

All of these helpers I have in miniature 30-50 ml packs in a self-made textile pouch measuring approximately 15x15cm (see photo). The advantage is that I have things in one place, I can always take a little bag and toss in another bag or backpack as needed. You may be wondering a little crazy pattern, but the reason is quite simple: because of the pattern I can find the pouch immediately at any time inside of a backpack or other luggage. But maybe next time I would make it from more water resistant material.

Needless to write that because of the size of the small packages the FAB must be checked regularly and as refilled when needed 😉
And what are your little tips and tricks to trips with the kids? Share it!


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Categories: Travel tips
“Mu-Ki Deutsch” trip to Mooraculum Sörenberg
Hiking with kids: Niesen


Hana Hurábová

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