A pleasant walk through the Verena Gorge

It was my local friend, who recommended me this place north-east of the city of Solothurn because of its mystical atmosphere. And I have no choice but to agree with her.

How to get there

Verena Gorge is located on the outskirts of Solothurn. We left the car in the parking lot opposite St. Niklas church.


An easy walk leads through the gorge along the Verenabach brook over a partially paved forest road (suitable for strollers).

On the way, you pass the rock-carved “thanks” to various personalities of Solothurn (eg from the craftsmen association to a prominent member, etc.). Some are drawn on large stones reminiscent of menhirs, forming an open-air “Hall of Fame”.

At the end of the gorge, you will see a still inhabited hermit, together with two chapels (St. Martin and St. Verena), between the rocks. Even though we did not meet the sister Benedict, we must admit that the place for his meditation is indeed idyllic.

St. Verena Chapel

On our first visit, we were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to listen to a choir singing Christian gospels in this chapel that is carved into the rock. Which made the beautiful atmosphere of the place even more exciting.

St. Martin chapel

We didn´t take the same way back, but we set off in the direction of the small church “Zu Kreuzen”. A few tens of meters behind the church you find the restaurant of the same name. This name probably came because there are three crosses resembling of Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified. Here leads the so-called Meditationsweg. We followed this trail (map here) back to St. Niklas’s Church. We passed the place in the wood with the place for picnic and a see-saw for kids.

This second part of the trail isn´t very suitable for strollers. Even though I think it´s doable with a good terrain stroller. For small kids, the trail is not difficult. I think it’s an ideal nature playground. In nice weather, kids can wander in the creek, jump over the stones, stroke the moss and especially: suck the beautiful scent of the forest, especially in fall.


Categories: gorge, hiking, Switzerland, with stroller
Hiking with kids: Niederhorn
Hirschpark Langenthal


Hana Hurábová

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Elizabeth Bobst-Hugi
    18.12.2023 1:16

    These are very beautiful pictures of the Verenaschlucht. I grew up within a 10 min. walk of this great place some 65 years ago and am truly touched by these pictures. It appears as if not much had changed. Thank you.


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