Last year I described here in my post, as it is in Switzerland with St. Nicholas, respectively Samichlaus. But our knowledge was only theoretical that time because unfortunately, we have seen the Samichlaus when he gave gifts to our children´s shoes left on the balcony. But this year it was different …

… and we could finally see Samichlaus “live”. He came with his assistant Schmutzli to the premises of the local school, where they have been several dozen children of different ages waiting for them.

As in the Czech Republic, even here, the kids had to deserve a package from Nicholas / Samichlaus. Not only by being good all year long, but also by saying a nice poem. Perhaps the one that our son has learned in kindergarten:
Samichlaus du guete Maa
Samichlaus du guete Maa
ändlich bisch du wieder da.
Chonsch cho luege, was ich mache
wien ich spiele, singe und lache.
Tuesch mich lehre, s’ Härz zverschänke
und e chli a anderi dänke.
Nur so bin ich sälber froh
unds Christchind cha zumer cho. *
Isn´t that swiss language sweet? 😉
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