Christmas market in Burdorf

I realized with horror that in all that time I write here about visiting interesting places in Switzerland we have been to, I have never once written about Burgdorf! It is a town that we are closest to, and we are at it most. We’ve got doctors there, go to the swimming pool, ice skating, we go here with our visits etc.. And so it is now high time to make things right 🙂 Even though this post is not virtual tour around Burgdorf (that’s what I will surely do next time), but rather a visual memory of the Christmas market, which was held the second Sunday in Advent.

The local traditional Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas market) was held almost throughout the wider centre of Burgdorf. The streets, which are sometimes the main arteries leading from the train station, were filled with the food and mulled wine stalls, and attractions for children, such as the carousel and pony rides.

Medieval fair

But we went up the hill to the castle, where was our aim to visit “medieval” fair featuring old crafts. We were able to see how plain pancakes were baked over the fire, wool was dyed, soup was cooked in the pot (the courageous could even taste it and eat it with a wooden spoon from plastic bowls :)), grains were threshed, baskets woven and horseshoes were plated …. all this was accompanied by a nice medieval music. Children could also decorate gingerbread or play various board games inside the castle (these were very contemporary :))
This day was also a tour of the castle for free and who’s been nice and obeyed, could meet Samichlaus 🙂 We were not lucky to meet him, but at least we saw a beautiful angel.
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Categories: Christmas, Cities, Switzerland
Dr Samichlaus chunnt (St. Nicolas is coming)
Basel – a city of museums and contrasts


Hana Hurábová

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