
So to prevent this (for me, for who else?) stressful situation, on Friday evening we agreed on taking a hike on the Napf, which is with its height of 1,406m.a.s.l. the highest peak between the Emmental and Entlebuch regions and is situated on the border of Bern and Luzern cantons.
There is no road or railroad that leads to the top – it can be reached only on foot or by bike (and believe me, we met a lot of these bike-trail enthusiasts who were cycling up to the top!) Funny was the comment of our younger son: “Mom, that man is such an idiot! Does not have any mudguards and is dirty as a pig!” 🙂
It was the first time I bore our girl in the carrier on my back and although I was a little worried at the beginning of our trip (the first 15 minutes the baby was still fidgeting with discomfort and I thought that perhaps we would have to return). But finally it was ok, our little accustomed herself and even fell asleep twice 🙂 I think because I had a very good “adjustment” of the Manduca, I could barely feel the eight-kilo burden on my backs and I was hiking very easily. I did not even have any back pain the next day! So for the time being absolute satisfaction with our Manduca carrier!
At the top you can find a restaurant with a hotel, that was in Saturday’s beautiful weather occupied by hikers like us. There we ordered a well-deserved reward 🙂
When we had enough of fantastic views of the Alps peaks and on the opposite side of the Jura Mountains and hills of the Emmental, we went down on the descent.
The return trip was a bit steep and for short children’s legs a bit difficult because we had to climb about 300-meter vertical drop. It was written on the internet, that the hike takes about 2 hours and 15 minutes, which we probably did. Overall, our trip took four hours because we paused for snacks, taking photos of beautiful views and resting on top.
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thank you for your blog! Great thing!
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Thank you for your comment, I´ll fix it asap