A longer time than has been usual in recent months passed since my last blog post, but if you follow me on Instagram, you know that I spent nearly two weeks with my family in the Czech Republic.

Despite the number of visits that we have (and of course we want :)) to complete in a short time, I always find a moment to look around and find out what is where new, what has changed, what has been fixed and what is still not. I’m glad every time I discover something that pleases my eye. And what was it this time?
2. Luhačovice
I think that in my life there was not a year without going to a nearby spa town of Luhačovice. I like the local atmosphere, the architecture, but also the local mineral springs. This year I first tasted the New Jubilee Spring, located near “Společesnký dům” and was opened to the public in 2013 (although it was drilled in 1988*). Also for the first time, I walked around the whole Luhacovice dam (although I probably should correctly say Pozlovická, because it is located in the municipality Pozlovice). The tarmac trail takes 3.2 kilometers and I would like to run there a few laps in the future.

3. Nature trails
When talking about running …
Since I’m in training preparing for my first 10km race and I also try to meet RunsForCookies Summer Running Challenge (which I wrote about here), I was running along the local cycling and walking nature trails. E.g. I walked the Maršovská nature trail during my childhood and youth as a Girl Scout numerous times because the old school in Maršov was frequent goal of our scouting expeditions or tourist competitions. Now you can find the Centre for Environmental Education by the House of Children and Youth there. I was wondering if the path to Maršov would be for me still as long as it used to be then …and it was. 🙂
Otherwise, you can find another four nature trails in the surroundings of Uherský Brod I would certainly like to walk through that which describes the solar system.

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*) https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seznam_l%C3%A9%C4%8Div%C3%BDch_pramen%C5%AF_v_Luha%C4%8Dovic%C3%ADch#Nov.C3.BD_Jubilejn.C3.AD