5 things to do before Christmas

I do not know why, but it seems that every other year passes much faster than the previous one. Not so long ago, I just made fall decorations, and now suddenly Christmas is around the corner. On the other hand, I must say that the period of looking forward to the Christmas holidays is one of my favorites. In today’s post will, therefore, I bring you a list of 5 things that you should definitely do before Christmas (but do not worry, cleaning the house isn´t included :))

1. To write a Christmas letter

If you haven´t done until now with your kids, I think is definitely the high time now. And it doesn´t have to be only the children writing/drawing what they would like to find under the Christmas tree. Maybe even your partner would appreciate a little help in deciding which gift would make you happy 😉

2. To bake Christmas cookies

Even though we live in Switzerland, we try to keep our traditions and cannot do without the traditional Czech Christmas cookies (although the Swiss are not so much different). So I´m writing a list what to buy, so that we could start baking gingerbread, Linz tea biscuits, cinnamon stars, meringue … hmmm … well … does it make your mouth water? 😉

3. To visit Christmas markets


Since the beginning of November, I´ve been finding in our letterbox invitations to the Christmas markets in the surrounding villages, and of course, in our own. If you can, don´t miss these local markets – you can meet old friends, but you also have the chance to meet new people, make new acquaintances (how important this is, I wrote in my post here) and not only when you live abroad.

We also liked Christmas market in Bern, Burgdorf and memorable Weihnachtsmarkt in Kambly!



4. To make Christmas decorations

It seems that this year I’m a little behind with making Christmas decorations, but I think I´ll catch up easily. On Pinterest I pin inspirational tutorials and I look forward when we get into the creative process. My boys have told me that they looked forward to glass painting because they had really enjoyed it last year. Even so much, we had to buy additional colors 🙂

5. To do something you haven´t had time to do

It’s a few days, my husband, to my surprise said that we could make our children happy and take them again to the Aqua Park in Bern. I had just been thinking about the same thing! Throughout the year we were still saying that we go there sometime, sometime, sometime … So we´ve included this activity in our pre-Christmas calendar and we are very much looking forward to it. But hushhhh… we still haven´t said out boys, it will be a surprise! 😉
And how do you spend pre-Christmas time? It there something you can´t imagine Advent without?

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Categories: Christmas, Life
Family guide to the Swiss Museum of Transport
A family guide to the Papiliorama


Hana Hurábová

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