My happy place

After moving to Switzerland, everyone asked us how we like it here. A little weird question 🙂 How could someone not like Switzerland? This pretty, beautiful country that has amazing mountains, cute villages, great chocolate … Sure, the grouches could argue that I see everything rose-colored, that everything is not so perfect here, but for now, let’s leave it aside, right?

Today, I just want to tell you why I like the place we live in. I’ve already shared on this blog my love for Emmental, whose green hills remind me of “our” White Carpathians. Our nearest town is Burgdorf, which reminds me of my hometown of Uherský Brod. Even though we do not have a castle in Uherský Brod (although it used to be here long ago), both are historic towns and have many nice corners. Another similarity is represented by the river – there Olšava, here, the Emme. While in my childhood we were walking along the river on Sundays to my grandma´s, here I usually run around the river. And this bridge is my “turning point”.

Yes, so I try to resemble the place where we now live, to my family and friends.

The question now is whether I would be happy even if the place where I live now did not remind my home country? I think yes. I believe that happiness and joy in life don´t depend on where we are or what we have, but only on our mental attitude. I’m just reading a book by Dale Carnegie, who says that if our thoughts are happy, we are happy too. And I do agree. Moreover, as Abraham Lincoln said, “Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be.”

Of course, I know that life is not full of sunshine and absolute happiness. There are days that it seems I’m floating on a bad wave, and small catastrophes pile up on each other. But experience has taught me that life just “works” in such waves that we are once down, once up. And I still think that – although it does not seem to us – the positive things and the happy events prevail in our lives. We just have to learn to see them in little things. Because every day there is at least one thing that will make us feel better. Whether it’s just the thought of where we were, or we’re happy!

And what is your happy place? Share it in the comments below!

PS: I thank Ludvík Daněk for these beautiful pictures!

Categories: Life
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Hana Hurábová

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