EBIANUM Baggermuseum: climbing on the diggers allowed!

A fairly new museum, opened in 2015 in Fisibach in the canton of Aargau, tells the story of the family business Eberhard. The exhibition does not only follow the history of the construction company Eberhard but in the second part of the exhibition, there are various construction machines on which one can climb on.

Getting there

The EBIANUM is located in Fisibach in the canton of Aargau and can be reached from Zurich in 30 minutes and from Berne in one and a half hours.

Although the exact address is the Museumstraße 1, enter the Müliwistrasse in the navigation. Don´t worry, you won´t get lost! Immediately after you arrive in Fisibach, you will be navigated by brown signposts.

5467 Fisibach, Švýcarsko

Admission and opening hours

Admission for adults is 15 francs. Children under 6 years are free. We used a voucher from the leisure portal Freizeit.ch, which allowed free admission for a child (7-16 years) accompanied by a paying parent (instead of the usual 10 CHF).

Opening hours: The museum is open every Wednesday afternoon (13:30 – 17:00) and on weekends (10 – 17). For additional opening hours during the holidays, visit the website.

At the cash desk, you get headphones – the audio guide is available in English, German and French.


Since we are not familiar with the Swiss construction industry, we were eager to learn about the history of the Eberhard family business. From the headphones and many pictures, you will learn how the company has developed since 1954 (founded by the brothers Heiri and Ruedi Eberhard). The time travel led from a simple farmer’s business to large-scale construction projects (construction of a nearby airport, road infrastructure, etc.).

From the audio guide, you will learn interesting information from the exciting company history. You will learn about the development phases of the company and how it was necessary to adapt to the demands of the time and to react to world events (eg the oil crisis).

As already mentioned, the tour through the exhibition is accompanied by audio guides and the individual tracks (about 40) are each between 30 seconds and 2.5 minutes long.

At the end of the tour, you will learn more about the current activities of Eberhard´s business, which today employs over 500 people.

For children

The previous part of the exhibition ends in a large adjoining exhibition hall, which is a special highlight for children.

There is a large sandbox with plastic construction machines and in the hall, the children can ride on pedal tractors, Bobby cars or balance bikes.

Small visitors can climb on and sit in almost all construction machines (of course with a helmet like on the right construction site 🙂 ). They can also try out what it feels like to operate an excavator.

OK, no this one…

… this electric must do 🙂

Model Exhibition

In the EBIANUM you will find one of the world’s largest model exhibition with around 3,000 models from the fields of construction machinery, trucks, cranes and heavy transport. *

For model-car fans, the upstairs exhibition is really a “must” 🙂

Cafeteria “Baggerstube”

The diggers models shouldn´t be missing in the adjoining café. Did you notice the design of the bar stools – great, what do you think? Here we were a little scared that our youngest would throw a tantrum – because she didn´t want to take off the yellow helmet. In my mind, I had already seen how I persuaded the staff if we could take it home. Fortunately, a small bribe (not for the staff but for our little one 🙂 ) in the form of chocolate waffles Kägi worked and she gave the helmet voluntarily back 🙂


EBIANUM is really worth a visit! We were really impressed because it is really well made. Not only the adults who are interested in construction but especially children, will enjoy it here! The huge playground under the roof is really “top”.

  • The museum is barrier-free, except for the model exhibition, which is located on the first floor above the “Spielhalle”.
  • At the directions of the toilets, you’ll find the cloakroom where you can leave your coats (well, personally, I wouldn´t do it since it was pretty cold in the exhibition hall in the time of our visit).
  • A changing table is available in the toilets.
  • The cafe also has a terrace where children can play with plastic diggers.

*Quelle: https://www.ebianum.ch/baggermuseum/modellausstellung/

Categories: Indoor activities, Switzerland
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Hana Hurábová

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