Sauriermuseum in Bellach: The world of dinosaurs at your fingertips

When we recently discovered at Naturmuseum in Solothurn that the Jura Mountains are full of remains of dinosaurs, I knew I wanted to find out more about it. Since there is not yet weather for walking the trail of the dinosaurs in the Lommiswil quarry, we have visited the Dinosaurs Museum in nearby Bellach for the time being.

Getting there

The Sauriermuseum can be found at Solothurn in Bellach, at Römerstrasse 6. Look at the Qualipet Animal Shop, the entrance to the museum is on the side of the building. Then you have to go down to floor -1.

Arrival by car: Take the exit “Solothurn West” from the motorway A5, then keep the direction Biel/Bienne. Parking is free here.

Arrival by bus: Line No.2 of local company BSU, Tell stop (from Solothurn, the buses run every half hour, timetable here).

4512 Bellach, Švýcarsko


Opening hours and admission

The museum is open every Wednesday afternoon (13:30 – 17:00) and on Sundays (10 – 17 hours).

Entrance fee for adults is 7 francs, for children from 5 years of age 5 francs; family admission (2 parents and 2 children) 20 francs. Payment is possible with a card, but beware! The PostFinance Card is not accepted here!


The museum was opened in 2010 and the man behind its estabilishment is Stefan Frieden who has been fascinated with the world of prehistoric creatures since his childhood. You can feel that the museum was created with love and enthusiasm. Here you will find skeletons and models of dinosaurs, many fossils and finds from the region.

The children were captivated by a short movie about the life of the dinosaurs in a small cinema room, and then, when equipped with flashlights they got at the entrance, they entered the nighttime “primeval forest”.

We visited the museum on Easter Sunday, when a program for children was set up – they were enthusiastic about looking for dinosaur Easter Eggs to be included in the prize draw for the dinosaur show in Zurich. So I hope we have found the right number and we will win the tickets 😉

At the end of the tour there is a games room and a bistro corner, where you can eat you snack. Coffee and tea are available for free, which is nice 🙂 Children can play themed board games in the meantime.


Despite the fact that the museum is relatively small, there is plenty to discover here. We spent around an hour here. Surprisingly, children did not need any modern gadgets (such as touch screens, etc., as is the case in large museums) to enjoy the visit.

For those who are not local and would like to discover more in Solothurn, in this post you can find 11 family-friendly activities near this most beautiful Baroque city in Switzerland.

I hope you enjoyed my article about our visit to this interesting museum. If you don´t want to miss the latest posts on my blog, become a regular reader and sign up in the top right corner of this page. Thank you 🙂 And don´t forget to follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.

And of course, I look forward to all your comments!

Categories: Indoor activities, Switzerland
Hiking with kids: Holzweg Thal
A trip to the ruin of the Brumov castle


Hana Hurábová

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