Hiking with kids: Vartovna Lookout Tower

The architectonically interesting lookout tower stands at Vartovna hill above Seninka village since 2009. Probably because of its slender iron structure it is called the Wallachian Eiffel tower. From this landmark of the Vizovice Hills, you will have beautiful views of the picturesque Wallachian countryside.

Getting there

Probably the tower´s nearest village is Seninka. It is located 50 km from Uherský Brod in the direction of Vsetín.

Although the lookout tower is reachable from various surrounding villages (except Seninka as well as from Jasenná, Liptál or Valašská Polanka), we chose the route that led from Hotel Sirákov in the village of Liptál (reachable by bus from Zlín or Vsetín). We left the car at the hotel’s free parking lot. From the tourist signpost, we followed the yellow tourist trail to the lookout tower.

756 31 Liptál, Česko


The lookout tower is open all year round, and even if you can read on the internet that you have to pay the entrance fee, no admission was collected here at the time of our visit (the second half of April).


The trail was nearly four kilometers long and led mostly through the woods. The path was lumpy, so I don´t recommend taking a stroller. From its quality, it was obvious that the logging machinery often run here. But I was more annoyed by the some of the passing cyclists who have “rolled” against us on their bikes. We had to avoid them constantly.

On our way, of course, our sons had to be entertained, so we were glad when we met several big anthills and various tiny insects. And in some sections, we had a beautiful view across the woods around the surrounding countryside.

After an hour of walking, we reached the foot of the Vartovna hill, which features a tower of the same name. From here you will have a stunning view of the elegant lookout tower. The final part of the way goes along the old orchard.

The lookout tower

The lookout tower is a metal structure with a spiral staircase (with 213 stairs) inside, complemented by a stone plinth. From its 35 meter high gallery (the total height of the lookout tower is 37 meters), you can see even Slovak Hill Klak, Malá Fatra, Javořina, Vizovice Hills, Javorniky, Hostýn and Vsetín Hills, Chřiby and Beskydy Mountains.

The lookout tower was named after the hill on which it stands. Vartovna (651 m.a.s.l.) in the past served as a watch hill, on which were ignited warning fires in approaching danger.


Unfortunately, in the off-season you can not buy any souvenirs or snacks here, so we had to rely on our own supplies.

After trying unsuccessfully to find the cache to be hidden in the vicinity of Vartovna (perhaps you will have more luck!), we walked the same way back to the car.


I definitely recommend this pleasant walk through Wallachian nature to the landmark of Vizovice Hills. Two-year-old children can also enjoy the trail and you will be rewarded with beautiful views of the surroundings.

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Categories: Czechia, hiking, with stroller
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Hana Hurábová

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