Liebster Award

I have learned about the existence of the Liebster Award sometime last year when I was active in foreign facebook groups for bloggers. I did not pay too much attention because no one has ever been nominated me 😀 Now, like a bolt from the blue, a comment from Swiss blogger Tamara from the Part-Time Working Hockey Mom blog has landed on my blog, telling me she has nominated me for this awards. And I was also very pleased with the reason why I appeared in her nomination: because I write a blog in Czech, English and German, for which I think I have her admiration. I probably don´t have to say that I really thank her because it means really a lot to me. Because what (and how) I do is meaningful!

If you’re now thinking what the Liebster Award is, I’ll give the clue right now. The word “liebster” comes from German and literally means “sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, valued, cute…“. So the Liebster Award is the prize you virtually award to your favorite blogThe Liebster Award, therefore, exists only on the Internet and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. Because it´s aim is to connect and support the blogging community. The nomination and acceptance of this award have its straightforward rules:

  • anyone who is nominated accepts this nomination by writing a blog post (which you are reading right now 🙂 )
  • of course, you must not forget to thank the person who nominated you (see above 🙂 )
  • you have to answer the 11 questions you were asked (see below 🙂 )
  • you nominate 11 people and ask them 11 questions (see below 🙂 )
  • Notify each of the nominees on their blog.

My answers to 11 questions from Tamara from the Part-Time Working Hockey Mom blog

1. How did you decide to start your blog?

I decided to blog in September 2012. I was always used to writing a personal diary, so I initially took the blog as its virtual form. I wanted to share interesting thoughts, events, photos. After moving to Switzerland, I began to write about the places we visited to document our travel adventures.

2. If you were to start over, what would you do differently?

I would definitely start blogging on WordPress from the beginning. Although it’s not free, your own domain and web hosting is not such an investment that would ruin you. But at the time I started blogging, I had no idea about WordPress.

3. If you were a fruit or a vegetable, which would you be and why?

Since I prefer fruit, I’d rather be fruit. If I should choose a strawberry. It is a symbol of the beginning of summer, it is sweet, it looks good, and you can make a lot of things from it (jam, ice-cream, smoothie, cake…)

4. What are some things that sound like compliments, but are actually insults?

Since I decided to be a stay-at-home-mom, they are mostly comments about this particular subject.

5. Show me your favorite purse/bag/backpack!

For a while, this backpack is my inseparable companion. I bought it at a time when our little girl was scolding her stroller and wanted to walk alone. So I had to give up the luxury of hanging a changing bag on a stroller, shopping bags and lots of other stuff in the stroller basket. I did not intend to ruin my back by wearing a big purse, so I bought this backpack. Thanks to it I have free hands and I carry all I need on my back.

I also chose some timeless, and especially unisex design, so that my husband might also wear it. That it was a right choice, it was confirmed during our recent family trip to London, when he was carrying without any protests. If you like the backpack, you can get it here *:

[amazon_link asins=’B01N1M3I4M’ template=’ProductGrid’ store=’adinajustina-21′ marketplace=’DE’ link_id=’3710ac1a-7ac7-11e8-b35f-e162f5f528aa’]

6. What is the worst purchase you’ve ever made?

There were many! Perhaps the worst was shopping for clothes and shoes before I found out that it is better to pay for quality than to buy things that fall apart after a few wearings. Recently, the worst purchase was probably a fitness stepper. I assumed that if I did not go running in the winter I would train on a stepper. Hmmm … well 😉

7. Chicken or Beef? (Bonus points for your answer on why the chicken crossed the road)


8. What are three of your best traits?

I can´t even count how many times I asked people about this question during interviews when I was working in recruitment (and I hope that this type of question is already past ;)) I do not want to cling to some clichés, but it’s certainly reliability. If I promise anything, I’ll keep it. Then also organizing (I love planning and making lists, it´s all me!) And determination. When I set out a goal, I go after it (of course, if it is in my power) until I get it.

9. Have you ever impersonated someone else?

For my mom, dad, sister, grandmother … when I received the postal item from “Česká pošta” (the Czech Post) that was dedicated “in your own hands” (it does not matter, so here you sign 😀 )

10. What was something recent that you messed up and got away with?

If you read my blog regularly, you certainly have not missed my recent post as I almost missed my race. Almost. Fortunately.

11. After you survive the apocalypse, what will your job be?

Probably at first a searcher – to find out who else survived.


Here are my nominees

So, and now it’s my turn to nominate 11 bloggers – as you can see, it’s such a beautiful cultural and linguistic mishmash (and it’s just what I love about blogging 🙂 ):

  1. Jana – Blog zrzky – (“Readheads blog”) I follow this blog not only because it is written by my classmate from the grammar school. In what she writes, I often find myself, although I can not express my inner feelings so nicely as Jana can.
  2. Jana – S dětmi v báglu – (“With kids in a backpack”) Jana is the mother of two small children and writes about family trips to “Bohemian Switzerland” (Hey, did you know that this region exists in the Czech Republic? ? ). I envy her energies and dedication to the writing of a tourist guide! She managed to turn her dream into reality while staying her feet firmly on the ground.
  3. Barbora – Život s Turkem…a jiné radosti – (“Living with the Turk… and other pleasures”) I enjoy Bara’s style of writing and also insights from life in Turkey/with a Turkish family behind her back. Clash of cultures from the Czech (and especially funny) view.
  4. Nikola – Maraton mama – Nikola describes herself as a lazy mother of two rookies who is pursuing her dream of running a marathon. On her running blog, she wants to show other moms that they can also be sporty and active.
  5. Klára – Klaritaa – Život ve Španělsku – (“Life in Spain”) Spain is my hearty affair. And if I had to choose where to move into my old age, it would be there. Well, maybe I would draw between England and Spain 😉 Anyway, I enjoy reading another clash of cultures.
  6. Katka – Uneseni – The Katka’s dream is to visit all UNESCO sites. She writes not only about the, but also about food, books, experiences and all the beauty of the world she feels unraptured by.
  7. Jindra – My funtastic life – who knows me also knows I’m interested in fashion. Jindra gives presents inspirational outfits on her blog. And because she has lived in Dubai for over 6 years, she shares the insights of life here. And that I enjoy too! 🙂
  8. Katie – Runs for Cookies – I came across Katie’s (who lives in Michigan) blog in a time when I started running. I was intrigued by her strong story when she has lost about 120 pounds and manages to keep the weight. And all of them are struggling with bipolar disorder.
  9. Helga – Travelstory – on her blog she presents romantic, colorful and fabulous places in Switzerland and around the world. It is a great inspiration to me, whether it be for German or for discovering new places in Switzerland.
  10. Claudia – Hamerlike – I met Claudia at a blogger workshop that a local news portal has prepared for a few bloggers. I admire Claudia that she is about to face a new challenge: after being at home with kids, she would want to break through the “Blogging & Social Media Business” field. And keep my fingers crossed for her.
  11. Dawan – Family Earth Trek – The Thai-born Swedish Dawan writes not only about traveling in Switzerland (fortunately also another geographical area :)), but on the blog, she shares her experiences and photos from traveling around the world. Now I am looking forward to her experiences during their upcoming trip to Europe.

Nominees, should you choose to accept your award, here are your questions:

  1. What do you enjoy about blogging?
  2. Do you have any “blogger guru” (someone who inspires you/is your blogging icon)?
  3. How long does it take to write one blog post?
  4. Did you ever want to stop blogging? If so, why?
  5. What is your “guilty pleasure”?
  6. Is there any activity you would like to try out in the future?
  7. What kind of game was your favorite in your childhood?
  8. Is there anything you did as a little one (activity/hobby), but then you left it, and now you’re sorry you did not stay with it?
  9. Cinema or theater?
  10. What is one thing you never go to the swimming pool without?
  11. Where do you see yourself in 10 years (haha, my HR revenge for question No.8 from Tamara 😀 )

So, my dear bloggers, I hope that my nomination pleased you, you will accept it and enjoy a lot of fun while answering my questions! 🙂

* this is an affiliate link, since this blog is a participant in the Amazon Affiliate program. If you purchase from Amazon using one of these links I may make a small commission at no additional charge to you! I don’t ever link to items I don’t actually recommend!

Categories: Blogging
Hiking with kids: Eriz
Hiking with kids: Adelboden


Hana Hurábová

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Hey, I finally made my way over here to read your post! You did a great job, Mrs Strawberry and your answers were interesting. Looks like we have been blogging for the same amount of time!

    Congratulations of your upcoming blogversary, the Liebster Award and for making your race after all!


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