My first Bürenlauf

In my recent post on our visit to the town of Büren an der Aare, I told you that we were going here, among other things, to look at the place where Bürenlauf will be held. The run I wanted to participate in for the first time.

Getting there

So Saturday, October 13th, the “D” Day. I decided to go by train. Well, it was not my decision, just like a necessity, because my husband needed the car to bring our older son – and hence all our children – to a football match to Langnau.

Even though I set out well in advance, I was most worried that I could make the change from the train to the bus in Solothurn. I even did the biggest misdemeanor and crossed the street on red! :O That’s because I saw the bus with a running engine at the bus stop. Because the Swiss are Swiss and the timetable is the king and the buses/trains do not wait for anyone, not even for a delayed connection (as we have experienced here several times).

I got on the bus, breathed a sigh of relief and began to look at the passengers, most of whom were participants in the race. I was surprised that most of them (I was not an exception) were wearing something with the Hallwilerseelauf logo. Which is strange, because it was held on the very same day. Does Bürenlauf gain more popularity? I am going to find out what the Bürenlauf “has in it” that runners preferred this race to the “bigger colleague”.

The bus spat us out on Solothurnstrasse, because it did not continue further to Städtli (the town center) – for an obvious reason, right? 🙂 So my fellow-runners and I took a walk and we could at least watch the racing of the junior category racers. Then I went to pick the start number up. The issuing was in the beautiful setting of the local town hall.

I admit that although I was excited about the place where the starting numbers and the finishers´ shirts were issued, I was at the same time quite disappointed. Like, you know, I have nothing against dark blue, but when I saw last year’s turquoise T-shirts, it would definitely suit me better (because, people, the main thing is looking good even when running, right? 😀 ).

Before the race

Then I headed for the dressing rooms that were in the gym of the local school. Btw. I forgot to present you this house in my recent post. The building of the school was built in 1897. The tower was added to its roof in 1906 after the demolition of the Dotzinger tower where it was originally located. And since then the building is called “Türmli-Schulhaus” (just a schoolhouse with a tower 🙂 ).

I did not dress the new T-shirt in the dressing room. Not because I did not like it, but from pure superstition – I still did not finish the race. Then I went back to the town center and watched preparations and start the race for 5km. This year´s star was Delia Sclabas from neighboring Kirchberg. Well, the running talent was here the main star even last year, but in the main race at 11.5km. I made some photos of Delia for my friend Sylwia, who is her admirer. Feeling like paparazzi 😀

Then I intended to go to the river to make warm-up exercises and run a little. Several people stopped me on the way and asked where the dressing rooms were and where the numbers were issued. I was surprised to understand them and that the people in question understood me when they were heading in the direction indicated (my heart sings 🙂 ).

I spent the free time to the start of our race by warming up in the sun and tapping the first impressions on my mobile to make sure I did not forget anything (I seem to be mobile addicted, but I’m more likely to be addicted to blogging 😉 ).

A few minutes to start

There are a few minutes left for the start and I see in the field pacemakers at 1:00. My lips rise up in a smile when I realize that the balloons have the color of the Czech tricolor and the time shown is like the number 100. It is 100 years since the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic, an anniversary that we will soon celebrate.


I decided to keep the pacemaker at sight even though I do not know if this time is for me real or not. Exactly at 2:20 pm a shot from a starting pistol will sound and we will go on the track. After a kilometer running through the town we go on a field path. I hear the pacemaker telling others that there is a climb in the fourth kilometer. OMG! I saw the trail profile at home, but I did not realize that I was never running three kilometers uphill (in addition, on a forest path full of stones)! I am switching between walking and slow running and thinking that running (ahem) uphill is not just for me. The pacemaker has been out of sight for a long time, I’ve been holding “my” group. Approximately at 5.5km there is a refreshment, then another mild hill and hoorray – we run downhill! I love running down the hill! I was born to run downhill! 😀 While I have to run with caution – we are still running on a forest path, threatening to slip on a stone or leaves. Already at the ninth kilometer (still in the woods), I hear the encouragement of the fans. I do not even want to run out of the forest, I want to run this way all the time. We are entering the town with more and more supporting fans. I’m not worried any more, I’m enjoying it (although I probably do not look like that). At the finish line, in Spittelgasse, the presenter says the name of everyone who is approaching the finish line. It’s great to hear my name 😉

I’m finishing in an unexpected time 1:03:50 (yes, at the damn climb I thought I’d be lucky with time 1:10). I take a banana, I swallow the sports iont drink and I’m going to take a shower. When I get back to the center (proudly in my new fininshers´ T-shirt 🙂 ), I´m staring in surprise on the just posted list. I find myself in the Damen30 category in the 8th place (out of the 34th). And a total of 31 out of 114 running women and girls 🙂

In the flood of the endorphins, I rethink my decision that I will run only the 5km “Bürenlauf Light” next time. Well, we will see! Anyway, I have to say I enjoyed it again in Büren an der Aare!

And what about you? Have you also participated in Bürenlauf or another of my previous races? Could we meet there? Tell me!

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Categories: Canton Bern, Running, Switzerland
Barcelona with kids: 15 cool places you shouldn´t miss
Autumn in Emmental: Lüderenalp


Hana Hurábová

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