12 things you probably didn’t know about me

I thought it could be fun to write such a list of things to learn some “weird” things about me. Other than that we moved from the Czech Republic to Switzerland almost five years ago, we have three kids and I am writing a blog about life and travel in Switzerland.

1. I hate changes

Haha, says the one who packed the whole household and went to live a thousand kilometers away! 😀 No, but seriously, moving to Switzerland was a big change, but because we had the opportunity to prepare for it a few weeks in advance, it could be borne. Worse for me are those “small” changes in everyday life that can break my routine.

Recently, our son asked his father if we could have pizza for dinner, so my husband decided he would go for it. Of course, of the two pizzerias in our neighborhood, he went to the one where we normally don’t buy pizza! He wanted to try something new, I was upset. I didn’t understand why he just didn’t go to our favorite (where the pizza tastes better and I had been looking forward to it).

Then when I made a mocking remark, I prayed (judging by his angry facial expression) that he didn’t want to divorce me.

2. I wasn’t born to grow houseplants

Growing houseplants is a misery for me. My previous attempts to grow orchids or other species, which are usually terribly fashionable, didn’t work well. For only the succulents survive with me, and only with the willpower (their, not mine 😀 ). As my friend says, “If they don’t survive, they didn’t deserve to be with me!”.

Of course I have my dream of a house with a garden, where all my favorite flowers would bloom during the year – yellow daffodils and then multicolored tulips would shine in the garden in the spring, the scent of peonies and roses would flow from the garden in the summer and chrysanthemums would bloom in the autumn . A forsythia, a lilac, and a rich rhododendron would grow in the corner of the garden.

But I would have to have someone to take care of the garden 🙂

3. I’m peeling down the price labels

(thanks mum!) You know when you are telling yourself as a teenager: “I will never be the same as my mother, I will never do this” Er. Well, like I know it’s about educational methods, but there are also some little things you are doing exactly the same way. Like peeling down the price labels.

So when unpacking the purchase, I first peel down all price labels and then I can put the items away where they belong.

4. Before going on holiday the house must be cleaned from top to bottom.

I like to come back to a clean house. Do you know the feeling when you enter the hotel room for the first time on vacation, is it clean, neat, fragrant and ready just for you? So I just want to have that feeling when I get home from my vacation.

5. The current mania of beaded bracelets drives me crazy

I know that I am about to upset a few people who read this blog and who make bracelets from beads. But it seems to me that the whole Internet is now full of experts on the healing power of minerals.

I’m probably a horrible cynic, but I just don’t believe in such things (although I admit that this business is probably more profitable now than writing a blog :D)

6. I don’t like motivational quotes

Did I mention I’m a cynic?

7. I have already been fined twice in Switzerland

While in the Czech Republic my driving record is spotless, I have already been fined for parking and speeding on the highway. And I have the feeling that another envelope will be waiting for me in the mailbox soon (but that the radar was hidden pretty damn well).

8. I love Gilmore girls

My husband, who saw a couple of episodes with me, but he didn’t catch up because he wasn’t able to follow the tempo of the dialogue between the two main characters, sometimes he says I’m the second Lorelai 🙂

And in my childhood, I loved Step by Step. I always wanted to be like Al, Frank’s daughter.

9. Over the years, I have had a lot of ideas about my future profession

I wanted to be a teacher, fashion designer, psychologist, football referee, home architect, elite detective police officer, sports commentator, HR director, and last successful travel blogger. Now I want to be …

10. I like doing the laudry

From all household chores, this is the one I really enjoy. Sorting laundry on white, colored, dark, towels and things for sport is calming me down in a somehow wierd way.

11. I’m probably the only one who hasn’t complained about the recent heat wave

Exactly the opposite. I enjoyed it. I literally soaked up the warm air. I just like warmth – probably because I’m a “summer kid”.

12. I don’t like when lists end with an odd number

Categories: Life
Experience Mt. Pilatus differently! – Family experience at Fräkmüntegg
Traveling to Switzerland: Is the Swiss Travel Pass worth buying?


Hana Hurábová

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