Lockdown Week # 1: What made me happy

Maybe you are already in a state like me that you are afraid to open any news site or social media because the word beginning with C will immediately appear. I admit I don’t enjoy it anymore. In the week I said I wanted to wake up again without reading about IT. The flood of negative news is just killing one, whether you want it or not. That’s why I’ve decided to focus on what makes me happy, and write it down in my diary. And I want to share my little or greater joys with you. Maybe this post take your mind off things 🙂

We can be outside

I am happy that despite the fact that the Swiss Government strongly recommends staying at home, social distancing and reducing movement to only the essential: shopping grocery, going to the doctor or to the pharmacy, there is no restriction on the free movement in nature. And we tried to make the most of it last week. We started discovering local trails. One day we walked two kilometers, the next day three kilometers, on Thursday even nine. In the forest. Nobody anywhere. And then we felt very good.

I don’t go shopping

For a mother for whom was a daily grocery shopping the form of a social “going out” (a good reason to change from a home dress and adding a little makeup 😉), this is quite a change. But you can survive without shopping. And surprisingly, I’m happy that we can do it. I did our last big grocery shopping last Monday. I go for bread to the local small bakery for bread. When we were running out of apples and eggs, I just sat on a bike and drove to the Röthlisberger self-service farm shop rather than pushing a shopping cart into a supermarket.

The kids aren’t fighting with each other

It makes me very happy that the children have not yet tried to kill each other. They can easily (or with a slight nudge) find common games and activities. As if they understood the seriousness of the situation, which we are trying to sensitively explain and remind them again. Like, for example, when Patrik remembers that we could go to Kambly. Well, no, we couldn’t …

On Tuesday they picked up their homework batch for a week and we introduced a sort of regime at home. The boys do not have so much do to, so far it is only a slightly increased amount of homework and no learning new stuff. Even though on Friday I was craving to have a glass of wine at nine in the morning. And I really understand the joke that a few weeks of homeschooling, and it will be mothers who invent the cure for coronavirus 😀

Live Karaoke on Instagram

I am happy that the artists that do not complain that they have lost their livelihoods, but with the help of social media they try to entertain their audience. Robbie Williams, who started a live broadcast on Instagram and sang songs as the followers wrote to him, perfectly took my mind off things.

My dad is on Facebook, wow!

In his 55 years indeed a bold step! It made me happy that he was not afraid of it. Now I have to persuade my dear half to do it too. Because when my dad can, he can too, right?!

So it was 5 things that made me happy last week. Of course, the current situation is not a bed of roses. My feelings are oscillating between the two poles, “the world needed to slow down and this is exactly it” and despair that all the plans, all the big ideas I had for this blog and its development have been gone since no one reads travel blogs right now. And I can only “travel” with my finger on the map.

But I try to stay positive. And to say that everything in the world has a reason why it happens.

And what about you? Did you find anything that made you happy last #lockdown week?

Categories: Life
10 hikes in the Emmental that you should definitely try
Lockdown week #2: What made me happy


Hana Hurábová

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Last week was such a crucible of stress–far worse than I had predicted headed into it! Here’s to hoping that this week is better; I’m so stressed that I can’t take more stress to pile onto it!

    My moments of happiness were a soup that came out perfect the first time I tried the recipe and time to connect with my mother and a couple of other family members with whom I can rarely sync up during normal times. Bonus was teaching my mother how to use Skype, so I could see her while we talked!


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