As strange as it may sound, it seems to me that this week has passed somehow faster than the previous one. I would like to say that it was because it was cut short on Easter Monday, but I don’t know if it’s because of it. After all, in this situation, it was a day like any other for us, nothing special happened.
And what made me happy this week?
1. The kids let their hair cut by me
When I asked the boys about a haircut about a fortnight ago, they shook their heads stubbornly and said no. All the more surprising, when Dominik timidly asked if I would cut his hair last weekend. Of course, I would! The weather was perfect on Easter Monday, so we moved the “Hairdresser” event to the balcony (to the great amusement of the neighbors above us 🙂). Although it doesn’t look like from the photos, it went smoothly and in less than an hour were all three done (and it is also obvious that I did not take the machine, but I played with scissors nicely with each strand of their hair 😉)
Don’t be fooled by his expression… …when he found out that Daddy was taking pictures… …he started making grimaces.
2. Keyword “Salad”
“Do we still have salad?”
As you already know from Facebook, this question of our Dominik got me on Tuesday. And at the same time, it made me terribly happy. Because to our Dominic (actually all three children), I have to literally force the tomato or pepper on the plate, otherwise, he will not take it by himself! And he wanted a salad! And not chocolate !! Rewrite history !!!
3. An “egg”
This is a children’s ball game that we played as children with other peers on the street near the house. For some mysterious reason, our boys also remembered it and began to demand to play it every night, when Daddy is free to move away from his computer and go out. When we play the whole family, we are a good bunch, and it’s really fun. If I remember a family quarantine activity with a tear in the eye one day, definitely this one.
4. Lockdown release plan
On Thursday, I was eagerly awaiting a government press conference to find out if and when the measures against coronavirus spread would be released. Perhaps the most pleasing to me was the opening of the hairdresser (understand, I do not want to cut my hair on the balcony myself), although I cannot imagine how it will go there. Anyway, I was very pleased when the “my” hairdresser confirmed the date of May 5! I was worried if I could even get there by Christmas…: O

5. Patience of our kids
The patience of our kids makes me very happy. I would say that kids are one of the most affected groups in this situation. I can’t even imagine how they miss their friends (though they solved it by writing letters, as I mentioned last time), training, just the regime they were used to.
Our boys surprised me that they want to do activities of their own, which they would probably be scoffing at, saying that it is for babies (ironing beads) or boredom (knitting bracelets). But as if they realized that every minute they could have meaningful fun was worth gold.
And what was your week? What made you happy?
2 Comments. Leave new
Ha me I’m also sooooo happy i can go to the hairdresser!!! On the 2/05 !!! And my husband too !!!!
Im already happy when the sky is blue and the sun is out !!!!
We have to make something out of every day !!!
Im the most happy that all my family around the world 🌎 are healthy and especially my youngest brother Juan, he is a firefight-Ambulance worker !!! When i hear what he goes through every day….
Not only him but also Nathalie his wife, she works in emergency….
Im so proud of both of them !!!!
Enjoy life and stay safe lovely Hana !!!!
You are doing a great job in many ways!!!!
Xxx Itzi 💋❤️💖😂
Sending love and strength to your brother and sister! They are doing an amazing job!!!