Canton BernhikingSwitzerlandTheme trailsFall hike in the Gantrisch Nature Park: Family theme trail over the Gäggersteg29.10.20202 CommentsRead more
Canton BernCitieshikingSwitzerlandTheme trailswith strollerDuftweg: a fragrant theme walk in Wangen an der Aare17.9.20200Read more
Canton BernhikingSwitzerlandHiking in the Emmental: to the Hohwacht near Langnau10.9.20201 CommentRead more
Canton BernhikingMountainsSwitzerlandHiking with kids: From the Grütschalp to the Allmendhubel20.8.20201 CommentRead more
Canton BerngorgehikingSwitzerlandHiking with kids through the Twannbach gorge6.8.20201 CommentRead more
Canton BerngorgehikingSwitzerlandHiking with kids: from Adelboden to Cholerenschlucht27.7.20201 CommentRead more
hikingMountainsSwitzerlandHiking with kids: from Balmberg via Röti and Weissenstein and back16.7.20200Read more
Canton BernhikingMountainsTheme trailsHiking with kids: Alpiner Bänkli-Rundweg Aeschiried3.6.20200Read more
hikingLakesMountainsHiking with kids: Lake Schwarzsee from a different perspective30.5.20202 CommentsRead more