hikingMountainsNatureTheme trailsHiking with kids: Culinary trail between Brambrüesch and Pradaschier7.7.20230Read more
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Canton BernhikingSuspension bridgeTheme trailsBad Weissenburg: hiking in the Niedersimmental for spa history26.8.20212 CommentsRead more
hikingTheme trailsHiking above Neuchâtel: the Chaumont viewpoint and the “Path of Time”12.5.20210Read more
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Canton BernhikingSwitzerlandTheme trailsFall hike in the Gantrisch Nature Park: Family theme trail over the Gäggersteg29.10.20202 CommentsRead more
Canton BernCitieshikingSwitzerlandTheme trailswith strollerDuftweg: a fragrant theme walk in Wangen an der Aare17.9.20200Read more
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Canton BernhikingMountainsTheme trailsHiking with kids: “Bänkli-Rundweg” Aeschi bei Spiez20.5.20201 CommentRead more
Canton BernhikingLakesTheme trailsHiking with kids: Rebenlehrpfad – Vine nature trail at Lake Biel13.5.20202 CommentsRead more