Canton BernhikingSwitzerlandTheme trailsHiking with Kids in the Emmental: “Bänklirundgang” Sumiswald3.10.20193 CommentsRead more
Canton BernhikingMountainsSwitzerlandTheme trailswith strollerHiking with kids: Murmeli Trail in Lenk + 3 tips nearby27.6.20191 CommentRead more
Canton BernhikingSwitzerlandTheme trailswith strollerHiking with kids: Emmental farmers’ trail13.6.20190Read more
Canton BernhikingSwitzerlandTheme trailsHiking with kids: 10 Theme trails in the Bern region5.11.20182 CommentsRead more
Canton BernhikingSwitzerlandTheme trailsHiking with kids: The Witches Trail, La Neuveville19.7.20184 CommentsRead more
Canton BernhikingSwitzerlandTheme trailswith strollerHiking with kids: along the nature trail to the Grasburg ruin21.6.20181 CommentRead more
Canton BernhikingSwitzerlandTheme trailswith strollerPlaying detectives with KrimiSpass7.6.20182 CommentsRead more
Canton BernhikingMountainsSwitzerlandTheme trailsHiking with kids: Schwingerweg, Naturpark Diemtigtal17.5.20183 CommentsRead more
Canton BernFamily activitieshikingSwitzerlandTheme trailsEntdeckerpfad: a themed trail for kids, Trubschachen26.4.20182 CommentsRead more