Canton BernhikingLakesMountainsSwitzerlandWinterwinter hikingHiking with kids: An easy winter walk to the Oeschinensee18.1.20185 CommentsRead more
Canton BernLakesSwitzerlandTravel6 Reasons to take a cruise on Lake Thun10.10.20165 CommentsRead more
Canton BernhikingLakesSwitzerlandHiking with kids: From the Oeschinen Lake back to the valley5.10.20165 CommentsRead more
Canton BernhikingLakesMountainsSwitzerlandwith strollerLake Oeschinen: the tourquoise gem in the Bernese Alps6.7.20163 CommentsRead more
Canton BernCastlesCitiesLakesSwitzerlandA quick stop in Spiez on Lake Thun23.6.20154 CommentsRead more