Canton BernhikingMountainsSwitzerlandTheme trailsHiking with kids: Schwingerweg, Naturpark Diemtigtal17.5.20183 CommentsRead more
Canton BernIndoor activitiesSwitzerlandTaste it!Dinner at Café Fischer, Ersigen14.5.20181 CommentRead more
Canton BernSwitzerlandTravelWaterfallsTrümmelbach falls: The amazing power of water3.5.20182 CommentsRead more
Canton BernFamily activitieshikingSwitzerlandTheme trailsEntdeckerpfad: a themed trail for kids, Trubschachen26.4.20182 CommentsRead more
Canton BernhikingLakesMountainsSwitzerlandWinterwinter hikingHiking with kids: An easy winter walk to the Oeschinensee18.1.20185 CommentsRead more
Canton BernLifeSwitzerland10 reasons I love “my” Emmental (and you´ll too)13.12.201711 CommentsRead more